We are proud to announce that Jeddah Prep and Grammar School has been featured in the "Ones to Watch" list of The 2023 Schools Index by Carfax Education, the leading international index of the very best private boarding and day schools, from different regions across the globe.

Pastoral Care

JPGS Safeguarding Team

Jeddah Prep and Grammar School recognises its responsibilities for the protection of the children in our care. Children who witness violence or are abused in any way may find it difficult to develop a sense of self-worth. They may feel helplessness, humiliation and some sense of blame. The School may be the only stable, secure and predictable element in their lives. When at School, their behaviour may be challenging and defiant or they may be withdrawn. All adults working at the School must be aware of their responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare, both physical and emotional, of every student inside and outside school. This involves
ensuring that pupils are protected from significant physical or emotional harm and that there is a positive commitment to ensure the satisfactory development and growth of the individual. We recognise that because of the day to day contact with children, members of the School community are well placed to observe the outward signs of abuse. The School will therefore establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are
encouraged to talk, and are listened to, and ensure that all children know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried. Through pastoral support, different subject curricular and discussions during tutor periods, we facilitate children in the development of the skills they need to recognise and stay safe from abuse. This policy applies to all staff, governors and volunteers working in the school.

Form Tutors and Class Teachers

Pastoral care is a significant element of life at Jeddah Prep and Grammar School and we recognise that good tutoring has a key role to play in providing energetic young people with the levels of advice and support they need. In essence, happy pupils will work harder, achieve better and be more likely to succeed in the whole range of activities that are on offer at JPGS.  Pastoral support is provided by the whole community, but each pupil has their own Class Teacher (Prep School) or Form Tutor (Grammar School), who looks after them and is the first port of call for questions and inquires.  Depending on their age, a pupil will spend a differing amount of time with their class teacher/mentor, ranging from nearly all of the day in Nursery and Reception to a morning and afternoon meeting in Year Seven and above.

The Form Tutor’s role is to become the expert on each of their tutees and to understand and support them in their life at the School.


The House System

Every pupil at Jeddah Prep and Grammar School is assigned to one of three Houses within the school. These Houses, each with an equal number of pupils, provide smaller, vertical communities within the school, allowing pupils to identify with staff and other pupils outside their own year group while giving pupils a focus of identity beyond their year and mentor groups.

There are full House meetings once a month where each member of each House come together on Tuesday mornings under the direction of the House Coordinator. Healthy competition is also established between Houses through school sports, arts, and academic competitions. The House Coordinator monitors all aspects of a pupil’s career at JPGS from academic progress to personal development and disciplinary matters, while providing a pastoral tier higher than the tutor.

Encouragement of pupils’ efforts lies at the heart of the JPGS community. Staff is always ready to give praise where it is due, both in academic and extra-curricular situations. Staff will take care to inform Tutors of the successes and achievements of individual pupils. The House Coordinator keeps the Headmaster informed of pupils’ successes, so that other members of the school may learn of their achievements and take pride in what they have done.

Medical Issues

It is important that all pupils medical information is shared with the School Clinic and those medical records are given to the Nurses.

The School Nurses are on call throughout the school day.

  • No pupil is to take a course of treatment or prescription medicine at school without the knowledge of the School Nurses
  • Accidents or emergencies must be reported to the Nurses at once whenever they occur.
  • After a visit to the Nurses, pupils will be given a medical note which they must show to their Class Teacher / Mentor.
  • Parents will be informed about any medical issues occurring at the school.

Should a pupil become ill during the day, the Nurse will arrange for appropriate medical aid and inform both teachers and parents. Pupils should not return to class without a medical note from the Nurse.  Pupils should not leave the school site because of illness without first consulting with the Nurses.  The Class Teacher / Mentor will be informed of any pupils excused from school by the Nurses.  The Nurses, together with the School Receptionists will contact the pupil’s parents and make arrangements for the pupil to go home.

Code of Conduct for Pupils


  • Be caring and considerate to everyone
  • Be as polite and look as smart as you can, all the time
  • Work hard and to the best of your ability – be prepared for lessons
  • Listen carefully to adults in school and do what they ask
  • Look after books and equipment, and respect others and their property
  • Move around the school sensibly and quietly, taking care of the school environment
  • Work sensibly with other pupils, talking quietly and sharing with each other


  • The use of the English language is to be promoted and encouraged at all times
  • Wear the correct uniform at all times
  • Bring the correct equipment to school
  • No chewing gum, sweets, crisps or fizzy drinks are allowed in school
  • Move between lessons quietly and without delay – walk on the right side, being especially careful on the stairs
  • Running is allowed only in the playground
  • Stay on the school grounds at all time
  • No make-up is to be worn in school
  • No jewellery may be worn in school, except for studded earrings (one pair) and watches
  • Mobile phones are not allowed in school